Startup program

Give your customers a reason to trust your software with powerful data security encryption tools that prevent data breaches.

Free multi-tenant encryption for two years

What you get

Eligible startups get a free two-year subscription to any pro level of SaaS Shield, Cloaked Search, or Data Control Platform.


VC funded startups that are less than 5 years old with less than $5M raised are eligible to apply.

Limitations (sort of)

Participants in the Startup Program are limited to 100 tenants with SaaS Shield and 10,000 users or groups with the Data Control Platform. We'll be impressed if you get anywhere close to these caps. If you do, pricing per additional tenant or user/group is listed on the pricing page.

Getting started

Apply and specify which product you want. We'll review your application within 24 business hours. If you qualify, our team will schedule a short intro call to answer questions and provide you with getting started and access information to your choice of products.

Choose your product

Note: standalone SDK licenses not included

Some of our biggest customers were asking for advanced privacy features to better secure their data. We knew that to meet those needs, and meet them quickly, we would need to partner with someone who lives and breathes data privacy and security, and that's what we found in IronCore Labs.
─ Michele Kubicek
     Product Management Manager, Broadcom

Why encryption layers matter

Web applications are especially vulnerable and most data security solutions don't address the core problem: data loss is inevitable. But will that data be encrypted and useless when it's stolen?

Learn About Layers
Exploit Attempt Web ApplicationFirewallApplicationApplication-layerEncryptionDataStore

Apply to the startup program

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